“Fetal Programming of cardiovascular accelerated dysfunction and aging by intrauterine hypoxia.”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1241502

“Fetal Programming of cardiovascular accelerated dysfunction and aging by intrauterine hypoxia.” Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio A. Herrera V. FONDECYT 1241502, 2024 – 2027.

“Sensing a disturbance in the flow: Crosstalk between shear stress and hypoxia in the early origins of vascular dysfunction”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1220421

“Sensing a disturbance in the flow: Crosstalk between shear stress and hypoxia in the early origins of vascular dysfunction”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Bernardo Krause L. FONDECYT 1220421, 2022-2025.

“Effects of intermittent hypoxia on the mechanobiology of the arterial wall: experimental characterization, modeling, and numerical simulation.”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1220956

“Effects of intermittent hypoxia on the mechanobiology of the arterial wall: experimental characterization, modeling, and numerical simulation”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Claudio García H. FONDECYT 1220956, 2022-2025.

“Targeting the Orai1 channel against pulmonary vascular overconstriction and cardiopulmonary remodeling in ovine models with neonatal pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia.” - Copia

Proyecto FONDECYT 1210504

“Targeting the Orai1 channel against pulmonary vascular overconstriction and cardiopulmonary remodeling in ovine models with neonatal pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia.” Investigador responsable: Dr. Víctor Roberto Reyes C. FONDECYT 1210504, 2021 – 2024.

“Reprogramming cardiovascular health after intrauterine hypoxia: epigenetics, antioxidants and endogenous gasotransmitters."

Proyecto FONDECYT 1201283

"Reprogramming cardiovascular health after intrauterine hypoxia: epigenetics, antioxidants and endogenous gasotransmitters.” Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio A. Herrera V. FONDECYT 1201283, 2020 – 2023.

“Remodelación Bioterio Roedores, Facultad de Medicina Oriente” - Copia

Proyecto Interno VID

Concurso apoyo a la infraestructura para investigación, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile. Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio Herrera V. DIRFAP N° 1270, 2018.

“Biomechanical Behaviour of Arteries from Chronic Hypoxic Animals: Experiments, Modelling, Numerical Simulation and Validation”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1170608

“Biomechanical Behaviour of Arteries from Chronic Hypoxic Animals: Experiments, Modelling, Numerical Simulation and Validation”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Claudio García H. FONDECYT (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico) 1170608, 2017-2020.

“Time-course modeling of the vascular epigenetic programming by fetal growth restriction: role of endothelial-derived miRNAs on hypoxia- and oxidative stress-induced responses”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1181341

“Time-course modeling of the vascular epigenetic programming by fetal growth restriction: role of endothelial-derived miRNAs on hypoxia- and oxidative stress-induced responses”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Bernardo Krause L. FONDECYT 1181341, 2018-2021.

“To be born high and flat (Andean Altiplano): healing vascular function and pulmonary arterial hypertension by a combined treatment in neonatal lambs”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1151119

“To be born high and flat (Andean Altiplano): healing vascular function and pulmonary arterial hypertension by a combined treatment in neonatal lambs” Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio A. Herrera V. FONDECYT 1151119, 2015 – 2018.

“After years of “NO” treatment, we seek for YES treatments: soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases could say yes to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension of the newborn”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1140647

5. “After years of “NO” treatment, we seek for YES treatments: soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases could say yes to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension of the newborn”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Aníbal Llanos M. FONDECYT 1140647, 2014-2017.

“Modeling the epigenetic programming of vascular dysfunction by oxidative stress in the lntrauterine Growth Restricted fetus: role of prenatal antioxidants in preventing long-term vascular dysfunction"

Proyecto FONDECYT 1130801

“Modeling the epigenetic programming of vascular dysfunction by oxidative stress in the lntrauterine Growth Restricted fetus: role of prenatal antioxidants in preventing long-term vascular dysfunction”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Bernardo Krause L. FONDECYT 1130801, 2013-2016.

“Heme oxygenase induction by hemin reduces lung inflammation, oxidative stress, pulmonary vascular proliferation and pulmonary arterial hypertension in chronically hypoxic neonates in the Andean Altiplano"

Proyecto FONDECYT 1130424

“Heme oxygenase induction by hemin reduces lung inflammation, oxidative stress, pulmonary vascular proliferation and pulmonary arterial hypertension in chronically hypoxic neonates in the Andean Altiplano”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Germán Ebensperger D. FONDECYT 1130424, 2013 – 2016.

Red Iberoamericana de Medicina y Fisiología de Altura (ALTMEDFIS)

CYTED-Redes 213RT0478

Red Iberoamericana de Medicina y Fisiología de Altura (ALTMEDFIS)”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Gines Viscor. Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo, CYTED-Redes 213RT0478, 2013-2016.

“Blockade of store operated channels and ryanodine receptors as a strategy to treat the neonatal pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia"

Proyecto FONDECYT 1120605

“Blockade of store operated channels and ryanodine receptors as a strategy to treat the neonatal pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Víctor Roberto Reyes C. FONDECYT 1120605, 2012 – 2015.

“Melatonin therapy for preventing/treating pulmonary hypertension in the high altitude neonate under oxidative stress: a new light for the night hormone”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1110595

"Melatonin therapy for preventing/treating pulmonary hypertension in the high altitude neonate under oxidative stress: a new light for the night hormone”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio A. Herrera V. FONDECYT 1110595, 2011 – 2014.

“Hemoxigenasa, monóxido de carbono y canales iónicos en la regulación de la circulación y remodelamiento pulmonar de recién nacidos de tierras bajas y altas”

Proyecto FONDECYT 1180663

“Hemoxigenasa, monóxido de carbono y canales iónicos en la regulación de la circulación y remodelamiento pulmonar de recién nacidos de tierras bajas y altas”. Investigador responsable: Dr. Víctor Roberto Reyes C. FONDECYT 1080663, 2008 – 2011.

1. “Fetal Programming of cardiovascular accelerated dysfunction and aging by intrauterine hypoxia.” Investigador responsable: Dr. Emilio A. Herrera V. FONDECYT 1241502, 2024 – 2027.